
Streaming Motion Worship Media


Dear Churches & Members,
In recent years, livestreaming, social media, and online services have become key platforms for churches around the world. We recognize this new paradigm and want to support all of you as you share the love of Christ.

We encourage you to utilize our media in your online services. No extra charge.
Regardless of how you broadcast your services, we don’t want to put up any barriers to using our media. There is no additional cost or license required for this.

How to Livestream Your Services
If you are looking for information and help regarding how to stream your church services, here is a helpful blog post!

We are praying for you, daily.
Thank you so much for all of your hard work and ministry. We pray that you will be able to continue your critical Kingdom impact and that you will remain healthy and effective in sharing the gospel.

Thanks & God Bless,
~Josiah Smith
Founder, Motion Worship

39 Replies to “Streaming Motion Worship Media”

  1. Just a quick note and a question.
    First and foremost Thank you and your team for the great graphics.
    Now my question. Can I use your graphics for my print needs? I would like to use the graphics for my church bulletin every week.
    Thanks again.

    David Guice
    Solid Rock Bible Church.

    1. Hi David! Absolutely, you have permission for that. Just note that the graphics may not be high enough resolution for print media.

  2. Like many of the folks that have commented here, I (we) are so grateful and appreciative of your ministry in creating such amazing media, and sharing it with all the rest of us to use in our own ministries and churches! 5 star graphics, illustrations and visuals! – A very excited, grateful, humble and in awe, THANK YOU!

  3. I recently came across your website and fell in love with your awesome products. I was concerned because our only service/ministry is on-line, and I truly wanted to be able to use your graphics in our presentations. I purchased a subscription and am so thankful you are allowing us to stream your media in our presentations. God bless always! This is truly a great gift and a huge blessing! :)

  4. Hey Josiah,
    I have been using MW for many years now. I have always appreciated the excellent and affordable services you provide. Thank you for helping so many ministries continue their good work–this is yours! God bless and keep up the great work!

      1. I want to ping powerpoint lyrics at projector in church with dynamic background.
        Simple but effective. Will this product allow that?

    1. I am speechless to God be all the glory and I pray for increase God enlarge your territory be blessed thank the hands behind the scenes in Jesus name we pray amen

  5. Thank you so much Josiah. We have been using your templates for a few years now and with a small little church, your media is so helpful. Thank you for allowing us to stream during this most difficult time. Really appreciate your kindness and generosity in this matter.

    Blessings to you

  6. I am a couple months late in typing this note of gratitude for all of your hard work on these videos as well as your graciousness to allow us to stream them. Your loops and stills have enhanced our streams so much. I am grateful for your service and I am glad I subscribed.

  7. Thank you for generously allowing streaming. I do want to let you know that I’ve had a couple of copyright claims on the audio from your videos when I posted them on YouTube as part of a service. I’m not sure what that is about. Any idea as to why, so I can avoid that?

    1. Hello! Copyright claims on YouTube can be disputed by explaining where you got the video, and that Motion Worship pays for licenses for all the audio we use in our films. Typically you can request that your channel be “whitelisted” to avoid these copyright claims.

  8. Thanks for allowing us to share your video. We are very new at video and your product will add to our services!

  9. I’m a new pastor of a very small start up church and when I found your website I knew that I had to sign up. Your content is wonderful and has helped me to make bigger and better connections. We just did our live stream Good Friday service and used your videos and stills. I’m so grateful for the work you do for our Christian community . You played a very important part of making our church be about our community and not about a building and we were able to worship together even though we were apart on a very special night. Thank you and God Bless!

  10. I am on cloud 9!.. I so needed this, today, as I have been searching to find something to work with our forced streaming endeavor. We have been using your system for about a year now. God is definitely using your team to reach out and capture the hearts of everyone (young and old.) Your generosity is beyond immeasurable! God Bless and stay safe my friends!

  11. Thank you for this wonderful gift. What a blessing to be able to share this with the world. God bless you!!

  12. Thanks for being servants of the Lord & obedient to what He has placed on your heart to do in a time like this for the body of Christ thanks for your help forever grateful Pastor K. Edters

  13. Thanks for allowing streaming of the videos and graphics. We were hesitant but now we can move forward. God bless all of you at motion worship

  14. Thank you so much for your amazing videos and stills and for allowing us to live stream! Your content is helping us reach our congregation with God’s word during this difficult time, and your Easter videos are perfect for staying focused on Jesus Christ during Holy Week. We’re using a video each day this week and already seeing God at work to brighten spirits and give hope. God Bless You for your wonderful work!

  15. Blessings and thank you for being part of the solution during this season. Greatly appreciated.

    In Christ

  16. Just when we are worried that we have a lot of licensing to overcome… Thank you for letting us use your media for streaming without any hassle.

  17. Thank you so much Josiah. This is a great blessing for our church here in Sydney Australia and, I’m sure, for many churches around the world. Bless you.

  18. Josiah,

    Thank you for your humble care and attention to the church! Praying for HIS blessing as you continue to provide us with wonderful tools!


  19. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for your fantastic material and for letting your desire to spread the love of Jesus outweigh your desire to make money. You are truly a blessing to us all.

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