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Should You Be Recording Your Worship Rehearsals?

If you’ve upgraded your mixing console in the past 10 years, it’s most likely a digital desk. And while a new sound board isn’t going to magically make anyone better at singing, playing an instrument, or mixing, here’s something you can do that has the potential to directly impact the quality of your musicians and techs: Record Your Rehearsals How often do you change the arrangement...

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Worship Pastors: Why and How to Start Using Music Directors

I’ve been to a lot of churches that don’t have assigned music directors. It seems to mostly be smaller churches that feel they either don’t have the resources/personnel necessary for a Music Director (MD), or just generally don’t feel it’s needed. I’m here to tell you that almost any church is not only capable of introducing an MD role to their teams, but will actually be better off fo...

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Interface Overview | ProPresenter in 5 Minutes

This “ProPresenter in 5-minutes” series is hosted by Chris Fleming, Motion Worship Creative Director, professional drummer and music director from Minneapolis, MN. In this collection of concise tutorials you will learn about the ProPresenter interface, how to customize slides, build a library of songs, compile a full church service, and tons more! In this specific video tutorial, Chris ...

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Keeping the Church’s Post-Easter Momentum Alive

One of the best church weekends of the year - Easter - is immediately followed by one of the most difficult weekends of the year. For several weeks (or months), you and your team spend hours planning, organization, and executing tasks for Easter services, only for all the momentum to come to a screeching halt when it’s all over. We get it - Easter takes all your focus and energy, and by the t...

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Tips for Sharing Worship Thoughts Between Songs

Talking in between songs is difficult. You’re often coming out of a highly energetic moment with people engaging in worship and singing along with the team... and then the lights come down, it gets really quiet, and you’re essentially expected to “preach” something of value to everyone. It can be scary. Even for those who have completely overcome the fear of speaking in front of everyon...

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How to Make Your Church More Accessible for Disabilities

Did you know that 1 in 4 American adults have some sort of disability? That means that it’s more than likely that someone you know, someone you work with, or someone you attend church with is living with a disability. Becoming a more accessible church is about more than just your building. It's about cultivating a community of belonging that sees, esteems, and includes all people. In Genesis ...

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Circumvent Common Easter Sunday Disasters

Easter Sunday is one of the biggest weekends of the year for churches. While you’re putting finishing touches on your resurrection celebration, it doesn’t hurt to incorporate a plan for how to manage any potential fail points. Securing a few precautionary measures will help you feel confident to tackle any last minute issues or demands when Easter rolls around and elevate your peace of mind so...

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5 Very Common Church Presentation Mistakes

Working as a media or tech director at a church is a stressful job. You’re usually there before anyone else, and stay longer than everyone else. You are never in the spotlight and rarely get the acknowledgement you deserve for how much you hold the service together. To be honest, the entire thing couldn’t happen without you. The band, the lights, the speaker system, the microphone, mixing, the...

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Church Leaders: How to Be Seen as an Effective Leader

It’s one thing to work on your appearance as a good leader – it’s another to actually demonstrate it through action. It’s this discrepancy that leads to so many leaders appearing to be incredible from an outside perspective, but to have so many negative reviews from current or former employees. An effective leader isn’t someone who centers control of all things to themselves and opera...

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Churches: Creating a Positive Feedback Culture Among Staff

We throw around the terminology, “plateau” a lot, but the truth is, plateaus never exist for long in a church. Quality in production, ministry, and other areas of your church is usually traveling in one direction - forward or backward. For a short season, your church may seem to plateau in some way, but the problem with plateauing is that after a while, things shift. Staff members leave or ...

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7 Tips for Facilitating Successful Online Meetings

Just like the rest of the world, people in ministry are holding a lot of meetings online these days. Almost everyone can agree that there are plenty of pros and cons to these virtual calls. We might miss gathering together and might be struggling with “zoom fatigue” but still appreciate the flexibility connecting remotely affords. Whether you love it or hate it, online meetings are a very real...

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Pastors: Dare to Trust Your Creative Teams

Hey there, lead pastors. You are a visionary. You’re a big-picture thinker, overflowing with great ideas - more than you know what to do with. And more than that, they’re not just great ideas, they’re inspired ideas. Bringing all of those ideas into reality? A whole other story. Of course, you do have a team. A group of smart, aligned, competent leaders each blessed with their own spec...

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Advanced Click Tracks for Worship | Ableton in 5 Minutes

This "Ableton in 5-minutes" series is hosted by Chris Fleming, Motion Worship Creative Director, professional drummer and music director from Minneapolis, MN. In this collection of concise tutorials you will learn how to use click tracks, guide cues, and multitracks in your setlists. In this specific video tutorial, we'll cover some more advanced methods of customizing click tracks for your...

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5 Tips for Improving Church Security

It doesn’t matter where your church is located. Anyone who has worked in ministry for more than a few years has a story or two about a security issue - someone trying to break in, equipment being stolen, etc. Regardless of your budget, there are things you can do to improve your church’s security moving forward - all of which are worthwhile to consider. 5 Tips for Improving Church Securi...

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Children’s Pastor Preparation 101

Preparation is key when it comes to children’s ministry. There’s a drastic difference in the quality of your Sunday school experience between a prepared and well-structured hour vs. a chaotic attempt to simply keep kids from hurting each other or breaking things (although that will probably always be a concern...) But the difference between those two outcomes relies on the baby-steps you ta...

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Custom Title Slides | ProPresenter in 5 Minutes

This “ProPresenter in 5 minutes” series is hosted by Chris Fleming, Motion Worship Creative Director, professional drummer and music director from Minneapolis, MN. In this collection of concise tutorials you will learn about the ProPresenter interface, how to customize slides, build a library of songs, compile a full church service, and tons more! In this specific video tutorial, Chris...

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Key Qualities of Great Ministry Leaders

As someone who works alongside church staff and leaders all the time, I understand how challenging and intimidating it can be to simply get started. That first church plant. That first job in leadership. Whatever it is, that first step can feel like your scaling mountains just to begin. And then it finally happens. You’re running a ministry, or in leadership in some capacity. You make a paych...

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Recruiting Parents to Volunteer in Youth Ministry

In youth ministry, you usually want to take all the help you can get. A lot of times, those extra hands can be additional staff members or recent high school graduates, but it’s important to have parents involved in your youth ministry for several reasons. Parents have a unique perspective and place to be involved when it comes to youth ministry. They have a personal vested interest in seeing...

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How to Measure Success in Kid’s Ministry

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was an easy button we could press or formula we could use to determine whether or not our Kid’s ministry is thriving and seeing success? Unfortunately, measuring success in ministry simply doesn’t work that way. I actually think many pastors and children’s directors feel a little out of touch with whether their children’s ministry is thriving or not. ...

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Building Basic Click Tracks for Worship | Ableton in 5 Minutes

This "Ableton in 5 minutes" series is hosted by Chris Fleming, Motion Worship Creative Director, professional drummer and music director from Minneapolis, MN. In this collection of concise tutorials you will learn how to use click tracks, guide cues, and multitracks in your setlists. In this specific video tutorial, Chris will walk you through the most basic method of setting up click track...

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